Voxorp is a multiplayer spaceship battle game. Move around the map by using WASD or the arrow keysClick and hold on resources to mine them, this gives you xp. Once you have enough xp you can level up, this will give you a new ship and a selection of new modules for your ship. Modules are how you upgrade your ship. Drag them from your inventory to one of the module slots in your ship to equip them. Each module performs a different task (e.g. mining, attacking, speed boost). By adding a variety of modules to your ship you can unlock more functionality and cool new features. The goal of Voxorp is to generate score and climb the leaderboard. To do this you need to build a base!

The toolbar at the bottom of the screen contains the buildings you can use in your base different buildings having different prices, make sure you have mined enough resources before trying to purchase them! Click and drag the buildings from the toolbar onto the map, you can place them on the grid in the background. So, what are these buildings I speak of?

  • Dynamo is the core of any base; it powers surrounding tiles when it is fuelled. To fuel the dynamo just click on it and it will take the resources from your inventory to fuel it. Or you can drag a specific resource from your inventory.
  • Scorer is the main purpose of the base; over time it will generate score for you on the leaderboard. The more scorers you have the faster you will generate score! However, scorers require power from an adjacent dynamo (see above).
  • Turrets are crucial for defending any base. They will automatically attack any enemy player when they come within range. However! watch out as turrets will only function if they are powered by a dynamo!
  • Walls are a completely passive tile; however, they are very cheap and have a lot of health - making them perfect for defending your base!
  • Crate (unlocked at level 10). Store up to 500 of an item. Can be used to share resources between members in alliances. Will automatically refuel adjacent dynamos.

Team up with other players on the map by joining or creating an Alliance! This means that you will have a shared base and be able to see each other on the map.

Some strategy tips

  • Focus on levelling up your ship before you start to build a base. It will be much easier and quicker to collect the resources for building your base when you have a higher-level ship with more mining modules
  • Edit your ship! You can edit the modules in your ship at any point with no repercussions, so make sure you are always using the best selection of modules for your current job
  • Use the map edges. The map edges are effectively an infinitely powerful wall on one side of your base, take advantage of this and build you base in the corner or edge of the map. (note: there are less resources at the edges and corners of the map)

I hope you enjoy Voxorp!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
AuthorStan Flint
Made withPhaser
TagsAsteroids, Multiplayer, Open World, Space, Top-Down
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast, Textless
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer
LinksCommunity, Homepage, Twitter/X


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Nice game, just requires a playerbase to be fun

Seems nice, but glitches out when I step on the gas. Is that supposed to happen?

Level bar is right in the middle of the screen, and interferes with clicking on resources, is that normal?

Other than that stuff, great game, 10/10, reminds me of Starblast. :)

love the game needs more content tho

Great Game !

Great game overall. Is the source code open? 5 stars

Thank you! I am sorry but the code is not available.

ok thank you. 

there is a glitch person called error sans


Great game! Five stars from me. :) I do wish that there were more endgame ships though. Other than that, this game is incredible!

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Thank you :) Lots of cool features coming soon in updates!

(2 edits) (+2)

I have a few ideas:

Natural phenomena like wormholes, or antimatter which explodes if you touch it. 

Wormholes to other dimensions like hyperspace.  Hyperspace could be used to travel faster and mine red asteroids but it could be more dangerous, because of antimatter. And wormhole stabilisators which keep the wormhole from vanishing.

As well as beacons as blocks which mark an area so you find it more easily but other players can see the beacon too.

Bigger ships with 40 or more slots which you can buy at the starport for extreme amounts of score.

Larger alliances with max 32 team members which require constant support with resources.

Larger alliance names.

Trader ships which fly around and sell stuff like modules or locations.

A coordinate system and an expensive autopilot module which uses the coordinate system.

Sensor modules which show where the nearby resources or enemy players are but you have to charge them with energy at your base.

Alien ships which fly around and attack players but they can drop modules and resources.

Increase the map size even more so hyperspace is more useful.

That were a few ideas for new content, i hope Voxorp gets more popular so you get more money to further improve the game.


Thank you for these suggestions! I am hoping to add lots of cool features in coming updates!

And yes I also hope the game keeps growing 😊


This is one of the best browser games.



I noticed chat looping, it repeats the last message someone said.


Yes, this is a known bug which should be worked out in an update soon. Thank you for reporting it!

(2 edits)

could you increase the alliance name character limit?

you should reset the server every day because otherwise some player like qqq can become too overpower and nobody can play and have fun with your game.

Hi, thank you for playing the game and your suggestion! I am updating the game regularly every month, in the next update I will be releasing balancing changes so that the map can not be fully filled.

Deleted 1 year ago

I found a really weird glitch, and potential exploit. It all started after I filled every ship slot with the speed upgrade for the memes. After having a load of fun with it, I stopped by the shop in the middle of the map. Not sure if getting hit by a mine and a few cannon shots contributed to the glitch, but those both happened. I unequipped most of the speed upgrades. Then I noticed my forward and backward controls seemed to be reversed. After putting all the speed upgrades back, I could only go normal speed, but my controls seemed fixed. Then I unequipped everything, and noticed that with each speed upgrade I took away, I got much slower, to the point where I could barely move after removing a couple. Then I started going in reverse, despite still holding forward. Then by the time I unequipped everything, I was going ludicrously fast backwards! If I had to guess, the reversed controls might be because I somehow got reset to normal speed despite having all the speed upgrades equipped, and unequipping them put my speed into the negatives.


Thank you very much for reporting this and the detailed description. I have fixed this issue in the most recent update, should be live in the next few days :)

everytime i get on it is just a frozen screen in the corner. why is this happening?

This should be fixed now 👍

every time i try and press play it gives me an error called "xhr poll error", what is this?

This should be fixed now, the server was having some issues this morning! Thank you for you patience 😊

i think its just my garbage internet

(1 edit)

i think this guy named pancake w/SPAM is hacking im just fine in the first 10 mins of the game then i start lagging then the game screen turns all black

Oh no that is not good. I will get that fixed in the upcoming update!

ok thx

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(1 edit)

Thank you for checking out the game, I am sorry it isn’t working. Does your inventory just clear when you click “level up” to get to level 3?

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I just found the bug after a bit of testing, it was a pretty major issue with the inventory that I should have found earlier. Thank you so much for mentioning it otherwise I wouldn’t have caught this bug!

It should be working now, I hope!

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Thank you :)